TAG: You're IT! (alpha-20200505)

Alpha-20200505 additions:

Scoring - open-ended and time based. Each character has a timer which will go up while they are not IT, if a character's timer is zero the opposition's timer will go down to zero first. There is no end to the game so the score lets you see how well you are doing against the computer.

Reset - resetting from the pause screen zeroes the score and returns the characters to the original starting posistions, if you start a new game you will be IT!

Function keys - F1 to F6 change the camera (F1 is the default camera), F9 to F11 toggle bits of the UI on and off.

Other improvements - the play, pause, reset options should work better. Bullet-time effect when tagged. Hopefully a there will always be one character with a target to tag!

Get TAG: You're IT!

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